Friday, November 11, 2011

Five on Friday

Today I am linking up with my gal, Leigh from A Boy, His girls, a big dog & a house for her 5 on Friday. This week's topic is 5 things I would change about my house. And as much as I am working on being completely thankful for where we are and the blessings we have, there are some things that I would change about our current living situation if I were doing it over it again, had ton's of funds and am totally dreaming here.... So with that, here goes this week's dream list.
1) A Mud Room of sorts.... You know some where, where we all have little coves for our personal daily stuff (coat or shoes or baseball hat or princess wand- you know, the necessities.) that can stay nice and orderly with easy access.

2) More land! ... this is a definite. A place where we can spread out, run wild, catch fireflies, play baseball, camp out in a tent, and look up at the stars- in our pj's, without the neighbors to get all nervous about about the random family roasting marshmallow's in their footy pjamer's.

3) A place for kids : Playroom, school room, and later turned hang out spot for teenyboppers. A gathering place where kids can create and explore and every single thing has a spot or home- that is labeled (ok, so that last place is just a little bit of the organizing maniac that lives inside of my head. But if we are dreaming, why not!)
4) More closet space. For Me.And for the love of my life. And for the little tiny princess that lives here. We all could use the space. And as mentioned in #3, organized that looks like something as delicious as this.
5) And this space. I mean, hello- where have you been all of my life? This space speaks to me, like sweet little nothings that make you all mushy inside. I can totally picture myself right there on that seats with a nice cup of coffee with my lovebug by my side and maybe my barking dog at my feet.
So, that's my "dream" house in a nutshell. It was fun to think of these, but honestly-- we are blessed beyond measure for what we have today. Happy day-dreaming to you!

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